Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Earth Day!

 Hello, lovely readers!  Today, April twenty-second, as some of you may know, is Earth day.  In honor of that, I created a collage of Chrissa and I in each of the seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.  I think my favorite of the four is Summer, but I like each one in turn; it's hard to pick just one!
What is your favorite season, and why?


  1. I like summer. Mostly because-No school! But I also like swimming, the warmness etc.

  2. I like summer! You can sleep, make doll stopmotions, play outside with your friends, and smell the fresh sweet smell of grass! Check out my blog called nihji's spotlight! Search it up on google, Thanks!

    1. Could you give us your blog address? We tried to find your blog, but were unsuccessful.
      Thank you!

  3. ok. The address is greenteawithnihji.weebly.com
    Thanks for your consideration

  4. You are nominated for the MagNioBio award go to 2dollstars.blogspot.com


  5. I love all the seasons but I think that I really love summer.
    (Kit does too:)

  6. Great collage. Happy belated Earth Day.


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~Elizabeth and Chrissa Edwards