Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Book and a Letter

 Hello, lovely readers!  I have been having a wonderful day, because first of all, we ate out for lunch, and secondly, Mother took Chrissa and I to the library!  I love going to our library, because it has so many books.  To me, it is so exciting to step through those library doors. 
 When we returned home, I opened a book and started reading.  Suddenly, Chrissa started singing Let It Go from the Disney movie Frozen.
"Let it go; let it go!
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn my back and slam the door!"  my sister blared loudly.
"Chrissa?  Could you please quiet down?" I encouraged.  "I'm reading."
"You would be singing too if you knew why I am." Chrissa hinted.
"Why are you singing, then?"
"Because ... we got letters from Libby and Marie-Grace!  Eee!"  Chrissa exclaimed, continuing to sing.
 "Really?" I asked, setting down my book ...
... and curiously heading down the stairs.
 "Of course!  Here's yours." my dancing sister said, shoving a envelope in my outstretched hand.
 Quickly sitting down, Chrissa and I read the long-anticipated letters.  E-mails are nice, but there is no replacement for a hand-written note.
What excites you?


  1. Allot! Caramel, Myself, My friends, Letters (like you), and millions of other things! I'm glad you got my letter though!

  2. Letters from you two.
    Melodie from TN

  3. Love it! Very cute....

  4. I love getting letter too! I do think that it's more awesome then emails!
    (Don't get me wrong, I love to get email to:)
    I really think that your pictures are amazing!!! How do you do it???

  5. I love getting letters and cards and postcards.
    This is a great post.


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~Elizabeth and Chrissa Edwards